TemptingAlibi755x1133Tempting Alibi
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Reissue Release Date: October 2014
Length: novella

Former Marine Scott O’Callaghan got into a fair amount of trouble as a teenager, but now he’s grown and runs a respectable auto body shop. After eight years in the military, he’s left his troublemaking past behind him. Unfortunately for him, the sheriff of his town has it out for him no matter how much he’s cleaned up his act.

When he’s accused of a crime he didn’t commit, no one is more surprised than him when straight laced Michaela Miller provides him with an alibi. An alibi that’s a complete lie. Determined to find out why his sexy next door neighbor helped him out, he puts himself in danger of losing something he’d never considered. His heart.

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Michaela Miller froze with her glass of wine halfway to her mouth. Her eyes widened as she watched her sexy-as-sin neighbor Scott O’Callaghan step through his back door and strip out of his t-shirt. He glanced around, once in her direction, then toward the house on the other side of his own before stripping his pants off.

Underneath he wore shorts that should be illegal. She knew he’d been in the Marine Corps before settling back in Hudson Creek and those were his…silkies or softies—or some other ridiculous name. Whatever the damn things were called, they barely covered his crotch and they put all sorts of bad thoughts in her mind. The man obviously wore them to drive her insane. Every morning he was up at dawn and jogging around the lake they lived on and showing off all sorts of taut, lean muscles and tattoos. And she’d only discovered that by accident. She’d gotten up early one morning six months ago and had seen him run by her place at the ungodly hour. Now mornings were her favorite time of the day.

Seemed she was getting a double show today though. Apparently his morning workout wasn’t enough and he was getting in some extra time tonight. Something told her he had no clue she was watching. The light bulb on her back porch had blown a week ago and she’d been too lazy to replace it. Usually the moonlight and stars reflecting off the lake gave her enough light anyway, but the sky was overcast tonight and she was sitting in relative darkness.

Her hand tightened around her glass as he reached up and grabbed on to the metal bar he’d installed recently. It was attached to some sort of pole thing and now she realized why he’d mounted it. Michaela’s stomach fluttered as he started doing pull-ups.

Up and down, up and down. Those big arms clenched and tightened each time he pulled up. It was beyond embarrassing, but her panties dampened as she watched him move. For such a bulky guy, he moved with a fluid grace that made her wonder what he’d be like beneath the sheets.

He was male perfection. Dark hair, dark, piercing eyes and not an inch of fat on that hard body. Unfortunately he was quiet as hell and no doubt thought she was an idiot. Scott was from the area, but he’d been gone for years and had moved back only seven months ago. She’d brought him cookies to welcome him to the neighborhood. Everyone who lived on Hudson Lake knew everyone and she’d wanted to do something nice. When she’d shown up with her plate, he’d grunted something inaudible, then just stared at her as she rambled on for a full two minutes about—God, what was it? She couldn’t even remember now but since he’d barely responded to her neighborly gesture, she’d steered clear of the sexy man. Didn’t mean she couldn’t admire what was placed in front of her.

After the pull-ups, he started on the sit-ups. When he switched to push-ups, she shook her head and slipped through her back door. Nearly an hour had passed and if she wasn’t careful, she’d combust from watching him.

She had to get up early to teach a yoga class anyway. Thursdays were her early days and her patrons paid good money for her to do her job right. She wasn’t going to come in late and tired because she’d been horny and spying on her neighbor.